2001 Flashback: “Love and Theft,” “White Blood Cells” and the Year’s Best Albums

December 22nd, 2009 by Rolling Stone Leave a reply »

2001: The year Kid A’s little brother Amnesiac was born. The year Jay-Z mapped out his first Blueprint. The year of White Blood Cells, Songs in A Minor and Bob Dylan’s Love and Theft. So many great albums, but which was named Rolling Stone’s best? Was it Is This It, which was recently named Rolling Stone’s Number Two album of the decade? As we look back at the 2000s’ top songs and albums and the best LPs and tracks of 2009, journey back to see 2001’s cream of the crop:

• The Year in Recordings: The Top 10 Albums of 2001


• 2000 Flashback: At the Drive-In, Jay-Z and the Year’s Best Albums


Article Source: Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily

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